Anthony Thomas Mature was born in Houston, Texas on November 8, 1966 – the third of three sons born to James and Margaret Mature. Anthony has been exposed to Texas old time fiddle music literally all of his life. His father, James, older brother, Robert, along with cousins E.J. and Carl Hopkins, neighbors Johnny & Jason Crisp, were all very active in the Texas fiddle scene and also in the burgeoning Texas Old Time Fiddler’s Association in the early 1970’s. Of important note is the life long bond Anthony formed at an early age with Jason Crisp. Through the years, the two would become lifelong friends, schoolmates and accomplished musicians together.
Although exposed to contests and jam sessions in these early years, Anthony did not show an interest in playing until his mid teens. Around the age of 13, he started working for Bill Northcutt at the Fiddle & Bow music shop in Houston. The jam sessions that Bill would host at the shop were key in piquing Anthony’s interest in fiddle music and especially in playing rhythm guitar. One night, at E.J.’s, Anthony was approached by Steve Williams. Steve saw potential in the young guitar player and asked him if he’d like some help. Anthony was particularly drawn to Steve’s playing and considered it a high honor for Steve to take him under his wing. Anthony started a sort of apprenticeship with Steve and started regularly accompanying his brother, Robert, Jason, Carl, E.J. and others.
C.I. Fryer’s house was another regular spot for jams. Texas Fiddle music can have no greater fan than Mr. Fryer was. He was especially fond of Anthony and supported him and his pursuit of music to the nth degree – as he did many other up and coming musicians. It was at Cliff’s house, in 1984, that he met Matt Hartz – a 14 year old fiddler from Idaho. This harmless encounter eventually gave way to Matt moving to Texas after high school graduation, living with the Mature family and attending college with Anthony and Jason at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. Matt and Anthony continue a long friendship and each has significantly influenced the other’s musicianship.
The subsequent years have found Anthony jamming, performing and recording with many Texas fiddle legends including Norman Solomon, Orville Burns, Louis Franklin and Terry Morris among many others. This period also found Anthony accompanying his cousin, Carl Hopkins, and good friend, Wes Westmoreland as they made their ascent to the top of the Texas breakdown fiddle scene.
A long career as a much sought after accompanist has garnered its share of awards and accomplishments. Besides being in constant demand by top fiddlers around the country, Anthony has been the State Champion Accompanist here in Hallettsville, TOTFA Champion Accompanist and National Champion Accompanist in Weiser, Idaho – all multiple times. He has helped champion fiddlers to win all of the major contest events including the National Championship in Weiser, Idaho, the World Championship in Crockett, Texas, the Grand Masters Championship in Nashville, Tennessee and, of course, the Texas State Championship here in Hallettsville. In addition to fiddle contests, Anthony has performed on many stages across the U.S. including WSM’s “Grand Ole Opry” several times.
Anthony currently resides in New Waverly, Texas and is employed as an accountant for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. In his free time, you are likely to find him hunting or fishing with family and friends. His passion for the outdoors nearly rivals that of his passion for music.
Anthony’s induction to the Hall of Fame would not be complete without acknowledging the men who taught him and shaped his playing style. The respect and gratitude he has for these people is evident in his guitar playing and his character. Anthony would like to recognize his father, James Mature, Steve Williams, Bobby Christman, Royce and Ray Franklin and the legacy of Omega Burden.